Color-Coded Terrorism Alerts Are Being Phased Out

About time, Department of Homeland Security.

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I’m all for authorities trying to inform citizens about specific threats to public safety, but let’s not treat people like they are in the third grade. Nonspecific, blanket statements about an increased risk just make little sense. And color-coded labels? Works for a stoplight. Not so much for terrorist plots.

Fortunately, government officials have seen the error of their ways.

The officials, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss the pending announcement, say the Homeland Security Department will begin a 90-day phasing out of the system on Thursday.

The Homeland Security Department plans to tell the public about a terror threat much like it has been doing for the past few years – through government announcements and the news media.

The five-tiered color-coded terror warnings were created after the Sept.

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11, 2001, attacks, and they quickly became the butt of late-night talk show jokes.
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The government hasn’t made changes in the colored alert levels since 2006, but it has been reviewing its usefulness for more than a year.

You know it’s bad when AP stories are citing “late-night talk show jokes” as a legitimate criticism of how silly the system is. The new system of communicating threats won’t do anything to lower the risk.

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But hopefully it will prepare all of us to better understand the world in which we now live.

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